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Gerhard H. Jirka Memorial Colloquium

Gerhard H. Jirka Memorial Colloquium

Scientific Colloquium on Environmental Fluid Mechanics


Neues Bauingenieurgebäude Geb. 10.51, großer Hörsaal


03. - 04. Juni, 2011

An international scientific colloquium on Environmental Fluid Mechanics was held at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in honour of Prof. Gerhard H. Jirka, who passed away unexpectedly on February 14, 2010. Prof. Jirka was widely known for his outstanding work in the area of Environmental Fluid Mechanics. More information on the lecture program as well as the book of abstracts can be found here.


book coverA memorial volume in honour of Prof. Gerhard H. Jirka was edited by W. Rodi and M. Uhlmann and published in May 2012. The book contains the written versions of invited lectures presented at the colloquium. 23 eminent world-leading experts in the field of Environmental Fluid Mechanics contributed to this book in the honour of Prof. Jirka, providing high-quality, state-of-the-art scientific information. The contributions cover the following key areas: Fluvial Hydraulics, Shallo Flows, Jets and Stratified Flows, Gravity Currents, Mass Transfer and Small-Scale Phenomena, and include experimental, theoretical and numeical studies. In addition, former co-workers of Professor Jirka provide an extensive summary of his scientific achievements in the field. 

Some copies available directly through the IfH (sekretariat@ifh.kit.edu), or by CRC Press (http://www.taylorandfrancis.com)